Brooke Hogan Teams up with Gay-Hating Artist
Posted on Thursday, December 7

Jasmyne Cannick breaks down some of Beanie Man's lyrics:
"Beanie Man, as you may recall, in his song 'Han Up Deh,' he sings, 'Hang chi chi gal wid a long piece of rope.' The term 'chi chi' is a Jamaican reference to homosexuality. The term is often used to refer to 'chi chi men' but can also refer to lesbians (chi chi women or chi chi girls). Loosely translated, the lyrics mean, 'Hang lesbians with a long piece of rope.'"Cannick and other online bloggers lead a campaign to prevent a Lifebeat concert featuring Beanie Man (and his partner TOK who advocates burning gay men alive in his lyrics). Thankfully they were successful. A Beanie Man concert in England was similarly cancelled because Police feared for the safety of gay men living nearby.
Special Ops Media, who is promoting the album, claimed they were unaware of Beanie Man's background. It's not clear whether or not Brooke Hogan was aware of the violent, anti-gay lyrics of Beanie Man. Regardless, I would never consider buying an album that financially benefits Beanie Man in any way.
Gay men have helped launch the careers of many pop-divas, but I suspect Brooke Hogan will not be one of them.
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