DC Bloggers Speak Out on Marriage Equality
Posted on Monday, October 8

The Malcontent doesn't understand why, given the political support, marriage equality has not moved forward in the District. The Malcontent questions the logic that we should wait until DC is free from being controlled by Congress, writing "Maybe we should also wait until there are gays on Mars, until all bigotry and hatred is banished everywhere, and we all live on Gumdrop Mountain at the mouth of Stoli River."
The DCist asks the obvious question. Do we really need to be concerned about Congressional oversight now that the Democrats are in Contro? DCist writes: "could this, like the ban on District spending for needle exchange programs ... be one more issue the District could theoretically make up its own mind about now that Democrats control Congress?"
Scott's Take suggests that both Democrats and LGBT activists share responsibility for the lack of progress: "It's an unhappy standoff -- the gay establishment doesn't want to make their friends in the Democratic Party uncomfortable and the Democratic establishment doesn't feel it needs to carry water for it's gay constituents because, after all, where else are we going to go?"
Michael at Bloggernista, is ready to move beyond this standoff: Michael writes: "I agree with D.C. Council member Jim Graham when he says that we need to move forward on the issue of gay marriage in D.C. I am working with few activists including Lane Hudson, Donald Hitchcock and Paul Yandura to do just that."
Michael is a founding member of DC for Marriage.
Labels: Marriage Equality
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