Stonewall Democrats Honor National Transgender Day of Remembrance
Posted on Tuesday, November 20
 Today, the National Stonewall Democrats released the following statement in commemoration of the Transgender Day of Remembrance: "Today, our community remembers the those among us whose lives were lost because of the bigotry shown towards their expression of gender. Transgender Americans are routinely asked to employ a level of courage which few of us maintain. Where ignorance responds to that courage with a display of violence, our community must reward courage with a demonstration of commitment. Violence towards transgender Americans can be dramatically reduced by affirming individual dignity through equal enforcement of employment and hate crime laws. If we are serious about reducing violence towards transgender Americans, then we must proactively work towards providing all of our community equal protection under the law. It is our actions, rather than words, which which will demonstrate our tribute. Stonewall Democrats take our own name from an historic catalyst, the Stonewall Inn riots, an event largely created under the leadership of transgender members of our community. Today, transgender Democrats continue to demonstrate their contribution to LGBT advancement within our organization as chapter presidents, board members and officers of individual state Democratic parties. Whenever transgender citizens are told that their inclusion hinders the advancement of the LGBT movement, our own history is ignored and strategic lessons forgotten. As we remember the lives of those we have lost, we must work to secure equal protections for our entire movement. We owe a special duty towards those whose contributions have already led to legal protections for many in our community but not for themselves. If we are to reduce violence against transgender citizens, we must reduce attempts to marginalize transgender Americans within the law and, when necessary, within our own community." Jon Hoadley, Executive Director The Day of Remembrance is a tribute to the lives of transgender Americans who have lost their lives as victims of hate crimes targetting individuals based on gender identity. It is marked on November 20. Begun in 1998, the day was first organized as a vigil in San Francisco to remember the life of Rita Hester following her murder the year before. Today, the LGBT community marks this day with vigils and events across the country.
Barney Frank Endorses Hillary Clinton
Posted on Monday, November 19
From the Clinton Campaign: The Clinton Campaign announced the endorsement of Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank and named him as an Economic Advisor to the Campaign. “I have from the beginning of this campaign believed that Hillary Clinton was the candidate best qualified to serve as President,” Rep. Frank said. “I am convinced that once elected, the qualities she will bring to the job - commitment, intellect, and political skills - will make her an extremely effective leader in our effort to reverse the badly flawed course on which George Bush and past Republican Congresses have set this country. “I am particularly pleased by her commitment to reverse the economic policies that have created a situation in which as the country progresses economically, only a small number of Americans benefit. Her understanding of the need to implement policies that provide fairness for middle and working class people is very important. She has shown an ability to fight for progressive values in a way that is capable of appealing to the majority of our fellow citizens, and I believe that she is both politically and substantively the candidate best qualified to be our nominee. “As Chair of the House Financial Services Committee with major responsibilities for various parts of our economy, I particularly look forward to working with her and members of her administration in once again demonstrating that economic growth and a concern for economic fairness in fact are reinforcing values, and not, as the current administration believes, in competition with each other. “In addition, based on my work with her on issues involving discrimination, I am convinced that Hillary Clinton is the candidate best equipped to pass laws that will treat all Americans with dignity, fairness and equality no matter who they are or who they love.” “I’m honored to have the support of one of the sharpest minds in Congress,” Clinton said. “Barney has devoted his life to championing economic fairness and civil rights, and expanding opportunity for all Americans. I’m delighted he’ll take a leadership role in our campaign.”
Giuliani HIV/AIDS Advisor: Cause for Concern
Posted on Saturday, November 17
From Kaiser: A recent opinion piece by Sally Pipes -- president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, a think tank that receives some funding from drug companies -- about intellectual property rights and compulsory licenses for patented antiretroviral drugs is "frightening," Andrew Green, a publishing fellow, writes in the American Prospect. If Pipes were "just running a think tank with pharmaceutical funding, it could be read as a shill piece and dismissed. But there's more to Pipes' biography: She is also a health care adviser to Rudy Giuliani," the former New York City mayor who is running for the Republican presidential nomination, Green adds (Green, American Prospect, 11/15). In her opinion piece, Pipes says it was a "staggering display of cluelessness" for Rep. Tom Allen (D-Maine) and Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) to sponsor a resolution that praises the Thai government for its decision to issue compulsory licenses to make generic versions of patented antiretroviral drugs. She adds that Thailand's actions "threaten to upset the economic incentives that allow Western firms to produce novel cures," saying, "Without patent protections, the drug industry as we know it would collapse, and development of new drugs would be significantly curtailed" ( Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 10/18). Pipes opinion piece "can be read both as a signal that her role is expanding and as a preview of the HIV/AIDS policy she is encouraging Giuliani to adopt, specifically one without regard for the immediate need for as many cheap generic antiretrovirals as possible," Green writes. According to Green, while this is "cause for concern," the "real crisis" is that "Giuliani might actually be receptive to her arguments." Giuliani has " expressed an interest in continuing and possibly expanding the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief," but it is "apparent" he has "thought little about what that actually means," Green says. In addition, Giuliani has not described his HIV prevention strategy or whether he would expand treatment options, according to Green. "His lack of investment or concern about the issue leaves him vulnerable to insiders like Pipes, whose business-first agendas are prepackaged," Green writes. He adds that it is "not outlandish to think that [Giuliani] might make AIDS relief contingent on buying brand-name antiretrovirals" or "levy trade restrictions and financial penalties on countries, like Thailand, that determine the best way to immediately reach the most HIV/AIDS patients is to produce their own antiretrovirals." Green suggests that all presidential candidates "study the AIDS policy Democrat John Edwards has introduced," adding that the "first move Giuliani should make, though, is to send Pipes back to the sideline and hire some advisers whose values aren't predicated on profit margins" ( American Prospect, 11/15). Labels: Giuliani
Biden's Cheap Shot at Giuliani
Posted on Wednesday, November 7
 Joe Biden's presidential campaign, in an attempt to garner some much-needed attention, has been working hard to pick a fight with Rudy Giuliani, but his last attack may have gone to far. Biden has declared Giuliani unqualified to be present, and recently commented: “there’s only three things he mentions in a sentence: a noun and a verb and 9/11.” Giuliani has recently been working 9/11 into answers to all sorts of questions, including a recent question about the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The Biden campaign sent out this example to the media along with two other examples. It's a reasonable criticism. But it an obvious reference to Giuliani's history of performing in drag, the Biden press release ends by stating playfully: "In the spirit of Halloween, Rudy, if the dress fits, wear it.’’ Giuliani has been appearing in drag on and off for the past 10 years, including Inner Circle Press Dinners in 1997 and 2000 and episodes of Saturday Night Live. Giuliani offered once to appear in drag on the Showtime television series Queer as Folk, but that appearance never materialized. All this has not stopped Giuliani from reaching out to right-wing Republicans. Giuliani recently received an endorsement from the founder of the Christian Coalition, Pat Robertson. The Biden comment, clearly meant to be humorous, marks the first time a presidential candidate has commented on Giuliani's drag performances, and quite frankly, it lowers the debate and takes away from Biden's more substantive criticism. Republican or Democrat, gender identity and expression, much like race, ethnicity, and gender, should never be a factor in which candidate you support. The top tier Democratic candidates would do well to learn from Biden's mistake and avoid these types of attacks. Labels: politics
Gay Republican & HIV/AIDS Advocate Joins Rudy Giuliani Team
Posted on Monday, November 5
 The Rudy Guiliani campaign announced on Friday that openly gay Republican Party activist Carl Schmid has joined the Guiliani campaign as a co-chair of the campaign's DC leadership team. Carl Schmid stated “As Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani cut taxes, cut crime, and got hundreds of thousands of people off the welfare rolls and back to work all while working with a heavily Democratic City Council. That’s the kind of strong leadership we need in the White House.” Schmid, a 2004 delegate to the Republican National Convention, has played an active role in the DC Republican Party, which is not a significant part of local DC politics. When openly gay city council member David Catania left the Republican Party over the federal marriage amendment debate, he left the Party with only one remaining Republican DC city council member. Schmid currently serves as the Director of Federal Affairs for the AIDS Institute, a national public policy organization.