Clinton joins John Edwards & Bill Richardson in supporting $50 billion over five years to fight HIV/AIDS globally. Edwards released his plan to fight HIV/AIDS in September which included the $50 billion goal and other 08 Stop AIDS goals, though he has not formally endorsed the platform. Bill Richardson endorsed the platform earlier this year.
While Obama released his plan to fight HIV/AIDS in October, it did not include the $50 billion commitment. AIDS activists who have talked to him on the campaign trail report he has been unwilling to commit to a specific amount.
Unlike Obama & Edwards, the Clinton campaign has not yet released their own HIV/AIDS agenda. Activists had planned to target Clinton at a protest at the October 30th Democratic Presidential Debate. With news of the Clinton endorsement of 08 Stop AIDS, the demonstration will focus more broadly on raising awareness of HIV/AIDS in the 2008 campaign.
Labels: HIV/AIDS
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