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Stonewall Calls for All Democrats to Support Baldwin Amendment
Posted on Monday, October 22

Washington, DC - Today, the National Stonewall Democrats issued a call for Congressional Democrats to support a proposed amendment which would restore protections on the basis of gender identity to HR 3685. The amendment is being proposed by Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI). Jon Hoadley, Executive Director, stated:

"National Stonewall Democrats supports efforts by Congresswoman Baldwin to amend HR 3685 to prevent discrimination on the basis of gender identity. We strongly urge all Democratic Members to vote for such an amendment because of its strategic and moral importance. It would be unacceptable for any Congressional Democrat to vote against an amendment that restores gender identity protections.

The Democratic Leadership has repeatedly indicated that it supports passage of the most inclusive bill possible, and swift adoption of this amendment will achieve that goal. We applaud the support of Congressman Frank for this proposed amendment. We urge the Democratic Leadership and Party organizations, such as the Democratic National Committee, to use the full force of their influence to secure support for this amendment.

We also support this effort by Congresswoman Baldwin because it allows Democrats to be placed on record for their support for the inclusion of gender identity in non-discrimination law. This amendment allows our members to thank Democrats who stand with the entire LGBT community while holding others accountable for their votes."

HR 3685 was approved by the House Committee on Education and Labor. Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) has secured commitments to offer an amendment to this bill that would restore protections on the basis of gender identity.

National Stonewall Democrats was at the center of early organizing efforts to save gender identity within the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Working with organizations such as the Task Force, the National Center for Transgender Equality and National Stonewall Democrats quickly helped organizers build a coalition that has now grown to more than 300 organizations.

National Stonewall Democrats was at the center of early organizing efforts to save gender identity within the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Working with organizations such as the Task Force and the National Center for Transgender Equality, Stonewall Democrats quickly helped organizers build a coalition that has now grown to more than 300 organizations.

National Stonewall Democrats is the only national organization of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Democrats, with more than 90 local chapters across the nation. NSD is committed to working through the Democratic Party to advance the rights of all people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.



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