Ask Hillary Clinton About HIV/AIDS: Online Health Care Forum
Posted on Wednesday, October 10

John Edwards was among the first candidates to be part of these web forums. He used his appearance as an opportunity to launch a detailed and comprehensive plan to fight HIV/AIDS at home and abroad.
Let's make sure Hillary Clinton answers our questions about her plans to fight HIV/AIDS. Viewers are welcome to submit questions for the presidential candidates. Questions will be presented to the panel of journalists for consideration. Click here to submit a question about HIV/AIDS to Hillary Clinton for the live forum.
The “Health Care 2008: Presidential Candidate Forums” will allow each Presidential candidate to discuss in detail his or her vision about health reform and the uninsured with a panel of leading health journalists from “The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer,” ABC News, National Public Radio, and The Wall Street Journal. The Forums are being organized by Families USA and the Federation of American Hospitals, produced by MacNeil-Lehrer Productions and hosted by the Kaiser Family Foundation in its Barbara Jordan Conference Center. The Foundation’s health news and information site,, will provide a live webcast of each forum. Shortly after the live webcast, an archived webcast, transcript and podcast will be available.
For a list of upcoming forums and to watch archived webcasts of previous forums, visit
Labels: HIV/AIDS
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