2008 Watch: Barack Obama on Gay & Lesbian Issues
Posted on Thursday, March 15

Hillary Clinton counts among her supporters Jeff Soref(Board member of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and former chair of the DNC LGBT Caucus), Ethan Geto (New York LGBT advocate and fundraiser for Howard Dean in the last cycle), Hilary Rosen (beltway insider and partner of former Human Rights Campaign Executive Director Elizabeth Birch).
John Edwards counts among his supporters Eric Stern (former DNC GLBT outreach Director and former Executive Director of Stonewall Democrats) and David Mixner (longtime political operative).
Barack Obama has a strong record of support for the LGBT community. He voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment and has said he supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, Lifting the Ban on Military Service, and Hate Crimes Legislation. Like Hillary, however, he can't give a simple, uncomplicated answer to the marriage question. His answers are often tortured, and only make matters worse.
Obama has thought a lot about HIV/AIDS. He recently gave an interesting speech on the state of HIV/AIDS, which you may want to read. More recently he showed leadership on HIV prevention research with introducing the Microbicide Development Act.
For ongoing coverage of Barack Obama on LGBT issues, be sure to check out www.outforobama.org.
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