Hitchcock, as you may remember, was fired from the position shortly after his domestic partner Paul Yandura made public comments criticizing the DNC.
The Lawsuit makes three central claims, all of which seem to have substantial merit.
First, Hitchcock says that he was fired because of comments made by his domestic partner Paul Yandura, and that in doing so his relationship was treated differently than heterosexual employees, who historically have not been held responsible for the actions of a husband or wife. Hitchcock backs this up with specific examples of heterosexual employees who were not held to the standard he says was applied to him.
Second, Hitchcock claims that LGBT employees including himself, were paid less than their heterosexual counterparts for equal jobs with equal responsibilites. Hitchcock backs this up with two specific examples of LGBT employees being paid less than their heterosexual counterparts.
Third, Hitchcock claims that in order to justify his unjustifiable firing to fellow DNC staff members, that the leadership of the DNC spread false rumors about the reason he was fired including completely fabricated charges that he made racist comments in the workplace. Hitchcock has as evidence of this DNC staff members who were told these false rumors which damaged reputation.
All in all, the facts of the case as laid out carefully in the lawsuit are compelling.
Hitchcock wrote earlier tonight on Americablog: "I expect my party to embody the Democratic values of fairness and honesty. It is important that the DNC be able to acknowledge its failings and live up to its promise to protect the human rights of the LGBT community as we move forward. To help attain this goal, I cannot remain silent on matters of policy and substance."