HIV Vaccine Awareness Day May 18th, 2007
Posted on Monday, May 14

Clinical trials take us closer to identifying an effective vaccine as well as energize our collective hope for an end to the epidemic. To date approximately 25,000 HIV-negative individuals have participated in HIV vaccine trials sponsored by both government and privately owned companies.
As the search for a HIV vaccine continues, the Capital Area Vaccine Effort (CAVE) in conjunction with the National Institutes of Health/Vaccine Research Center (NIH/VRC), and the US Military HIV Research Program will be using Friday May 18 to thank HIV trial participants for their valiant effort and determination, despite the stigma of HIV, in participating in the clinical trials. May 18 also provides a chance for HIV trial participants to publicly thank research facilities, other volunteers, health professionals and scientists who are conducting and participating in HIV vaccine research.
One of the activities planned for HIV Vaccine Awareness Day 2007 is a luncheon/discussion to be held at Academy for Educational Development located at 1825 Connecticut Ave, NW. The topic of the discussion is “Global Health and the Search for an HIV Vaccine” and will begin at 1:00 PM. Join us as we discuss local HIV vaccine research efforts and the role this plays in the larger global health research and treatment movement.
The HIV Vaccine Awareness Day Reception scheduled for Friday May 18 at 6:30 pm is another activity being hosted at the Academy for Educational Development at 1825 Connecticut Ave, NW. This is the event at which all of our local HIV vaccine trial participants will be honored and the work being done locally to find an HIV Vaccine will be recognized.
The Capital Area Vaccine Effort (CAVE) will present two awards at the reception honoring one organization, and one individual for their support of HIV Vaccine Research in the District. The organizational award will go to the 19th Street Baptist Church. The individual award will go to Scott Simpson, a former CAVE chair.
These activities are designed to educate communities about preventive HIV vaccine research while helping to dispel myths, rumors and misinformation. Equally, through community activities like these others are encouraged to be supportive of those individuals involved in HIV vaccine research.
In an effort to broaden the community’s discussion on HIV/AIDS and the impact this disease continues to have the Washington DC Community the will be community speak out the day before HIV Awareness Day on Thursday, May 17 at the Westminster Presbyterian Church at 401 I St., S.W. May 18, 2007 is a special day, it a day to be used to intensify the education of our communities about the efforts to find a preventive HIV vaccine. Let us collectively rise to this challenge.
Capital Area Vaccine Effort is a volunteer panel of individuals from the general public and from the diverse communities affected by AIDS. For more information visit
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