DNC Chair Howard Dean on the Introduction of ENDA
Posted on Thursday, April 26

"Today, Democratic leaders in the House took a strong step forward in the march to create a more fair and just society. For too long, qualified, hardworking Americans have been denied job opportunities, fired or faced discrimination in the workplace based solely on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Current law does not prohibit this heinous brand of discrimination. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act would end this injustice by making it illegal to fire, demote or discriminate against an employee solely based on these characteristics.
"Not only is employment discrimination an affront to justice, it is profoundly un-American. The right of every American to earn a living and make his or her contribution to our society is a fundamental American value, one at the very core of the American Dream. I am proud to lead a Party that is putting our commitment to this ideal into action. While Bush Republicans have spent the last six years scapegoating our friends and family in the LGBT community for partisan gain, Democrats have already introduced legislation to protect thousands of Americans from hate crimes, and are now working to ensure equal rights in the workplace for all Americans. I urge lawmakers in both houses of Congress to pass these critical bills, and for President Bush to swiftly sign them into law."
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