2008 Watch: John Edwards on Gay and Lesbian Issues
Posted on Friday, March 16

First, he finally admitted he made a mistake by voting for the war in Iraq, something Hillary Clinton has yet to do. This is one of the stumbling blocks the Kerry/Edwards ticket faced often.
Second, he is running a grassroots campaign. While Clinton and Obama are focusing on the big ticket ($1,000+) fundraising events, Edwards is steadily building a grassroots base. Those big spenders will 'max out' quickly. You cannot donate more than $2,300 for the primary and $2,300 for the main election. Hillary Clinton has so many folks that have maxed out on the primary donation, that she's already fundraising for the main election. The grassroots base, however, almost never maxes out. There are a lot more of us donating $25 to $50 a month. Edwards is wise to focus on building a large base that will be able to support his campaign over the long haul.
Third, Edwards is strong on LGBT issues. I believe any candidate is only as strong on LGBT issues as the person who is advising her or him. So when I heard that Eric Stern is volunteering for the Edwards campaign, that definitely caught my attention. Eric as you know previously served as the Executive Director of the Stonewall Democrats and as the Director of GLBT outreach at the DNC. Edwards, Obama, and Clinton are all taking very similar positions on LGBT issues, but only John Edwards has Eric Stern. In addition to Eric, longtime activist David Mixner has signed on to support Edwards. Hillary Clinton also has some great folks supporting her (Hilary Rosen & Ethan Geto). But when it comes to Barack Obama, I don't really know any of the folks who are advising him on LGBT issues, and that makes me nervous.
I haven't made up my mind yet, but I'm leaning towards John Edwards at this point. For more information and current blog posts, be sure to visit www.outforedwards.org.
Something Edwards said in 1998 makes me more than a bit nervous.
n his new memoir, "No Excuses: Concessions of a Serial Campaigner," Shrum recalls asking Edwards at the outset of that campaign, "What is your position, Mr. Edwards, on gay rights?"
"I'm not comfortable around those people," Edwards replied, according to Shrum. He writes that the candidate's wife, Elizabeth, told him: "John, you know that's wrong."
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